Dorian, inspired by the TV show ‘Monster Moves’, suggested the following plan for the move between the old and new studios: Move the Nicholas Building to Collingwood. Unload the presses. Return the NB to the CBD. And this is (almost) how it happened. There’s a story to be told, but in the meantime, I am […]
I have trouble reading instructions. I sometimes skip #1, under the presumption that it is probably introductory, like, Hello or Get ready or This won’t be as painful as you think. Generally however, I’ve found #1 to be quite important, if not crucial. I fixed an electronic device tonight using a butter knife. Without consulting an […]
The Universal  Mono-Tabular Broach (US Patent Numbers 2153890-2338940) was, according to promotional copy, “the most versatile an inexpensive rule form system ever devised.” It is “a machine with punches that may be spaced to broach horizontal metal rules so that vertical rules may be inserted to register most all kinds of forms within two minutes […]
Every year we set out to produce a book; a supernumerary book, contrived to fill no long-felt need but simply to give pleasure – to ourselves in the making and to our many friends in the reading. This sentence, so full of generosity, opens the preface to Words In Their Hands, a book privately printed […]
 “If Roald Dahl’s BFG could capture and bottle Carolyn Fraser’s enthusiasm for letterpress printing, he would be knocking on her sixth-floor studio door.” City Weekly, 5/11/08 I’m not sure this is a good thing?
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